Category: Faith

  • Re-framing St. Valentine’s Day

    Re-framing St. Valentine’s Day

    While Valentine’s Day may seem like just another “Hallmark Holiday” (has anyone outside of the Midwest ever heard of “Sweetest Day?!”), the day does have religious and historical significance.  Here are some interesting tidbits: There is no one St. Valentine.  In fact, there were both a priest and a bishop named Valentine, and both men […]

  • Preparing for Easter with a Lenten Tree

    Preparing for Easter with a Lenten Tree

    When trying to make religious occasions accessible to kids, it seems as though the “holy grail” of them all is Lent and even, to a certain extent, Easter. We got through Easter last year with my then 2 year old by telling her that we were celebrating Jesus “going to heaven.”  She accepted this explanation […]

  • Lent Activities Round-Up for Toddlers-Preschoolers

    Lent Activities Round-Up for Toddlers-Preschoolers

    For most children, the concept of “one week” is a difficult length to comprehend.  Trying to explain to a small child that Lent lasts for 40 days is nearly impossible.  Instead of asking them to commit to an activity for 40 days or ignoring the season all together, try picking one small activity, act of […]

  • Mommy Wars: The Biblical Alternative

    Mommy Wars: The Biblical Alternative

    Have I mentioned that I LOVE the Advent season, especially as a mom?!  Okay, I have, but here’s yet another reason: The Visitation. In a world where the phrase “Mommy Wars” is in common parlance, I’m on the lookout for positive role models for female relationships.  At this stage of my life (early motherhood), there […]

  • Advent Musings from a Mother-in-Waiting

    Advent Musings from a Mother-in-Waiting

    Most people would agree that the season of Advent is filled with tremendous anticipation and excitement whether it’s the celebration of Christ’s birth, the presents under the tree, or an overdue paid vacation.  I loved my first Advent season while pregnant for this exact reason.  The whole world seemed to mirror my own excitement and […]